
Apr 23, 2018 Melinda is the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine President and an occupational health professional with more than 30 years experience in workplace health safety and wellbeing.

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Apr 23, 2018 Dr John Heydon is the President of the New Zealand branch of the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM). He is the occupational physician for the University of Otago, New Zealand’s oldest university. He also works as a medical advisor for the Accident Compensation Corporation in New Zealand, and in

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Apr 23, 2018 Roger Lai is Federal Treasurer of the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM) and consults across large government agencies as an occupational physician. Roger is actively involved in training and education, both in developing new fellow occupational physicians and introducing best practices into the organisations he works with. He believes

Roger Lai MBBS MOHS FAFOEM Read More »

Apr 23, 2018 Associate Professor Deborah Glass graduated from Cambridge University, obtained a Masters in Occupational Health and Hygiene and worked in industry as an occupational hygienist, a consultant occupational hygienist, and lecturer in occupational hygiene at Birmingham University. Deborah went to Australia in 1995 and worked on the Health Watch petroleum industry cohort completing

Deborah Glass MA, Cert Ed, MSc, PhD, Dip Occ Hyg, FAIOH COH Read More »

MBBCh, LRCP&SI, CIME, MBA, FAFOEM Apr 23, 2018 Associate Professor Peter Connaughton is Past President of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He is a Consultant Occupational Physician working in private practice in Perth, Western Australia. He consults to the mining sector and has previously consulted to the oil and gas, healthcare and

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Apr 23, 2018 Tim Driscoll is an occupational epidemiologist and a specialist in occupational and environmental medicine and public health medicine. He is a Professor in epidemiology and occupational medicine in the Sydney School of Public Health at the University of Sydney, Australia, where he runs the general epidemiology teaching and is Director of the

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